
Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup

I n g r e d i  e n t s:
5 Peeled and Chopped Carrots
1 Peeled and Chopped Sweet Potato
1 Chopped Onion
3 Cloves of Garlic (less if you plan to kiss someone)
1 Large tbs of Cashew Butter
1 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk
Sprinkle of Tumeric
Sprinkle of Cumin
Vegetable Stock Cube
Handful of Fresh Parsley
Handful of Fresh Basil
Coconut Oil (or heat proof fat of your choice (i.e. Ghee))

G a r n i s h: 
Edamame Beans

D o:
1) In a large saucepan, fry your onions and garlic, Carrot and Sweet Potato with a knob of coconut oil and tbs of cashew butter.

2) Once the onion and garlic is translucent add sufficient water to cover the vegetables. Leave to boil for a while (maybe 10 minutes). 

3) Add your stock cube. Make sure it is all crumbled up- you do not want lumps of salty stock. Add your cup of unsweetened almond milk. 

4) Sprinkle in a touch of Tumeric.  This is a powerful flavour so you do not want too much. Then sprinkle in a touch of ground cumin.  I like cumin so I put quite a generous shake, but this is up to you. Grind some pepper into your chunky soup. Add your handful of chopped parsley and basil. Add more water if necessary. 

5) Leave your soup to boil lightly until your carrot and sweet potato are quite soft. 

6) Pulverise your soup using a blender or hand whizzer.  (I used a hand whizzer).

7) Serve your soup in a bowl. Garnish with whatever you like. A boiled egg would be nice.  I had edamame beans and basil. Enjoy!

N u t r i t i o n: 
This soup is extremely delicious, but also very healthy.  The soup is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants (note the bright orange beta-carotenes) which will do wonders for your skin and imune system. Tumeric is also known to be one of the best super foods you can eat. It has been shown to help heart health, boost the immune system, be a natural painkiller and fight cancer.  Read more about Tumeric here.