
Chia Seed Smoothie

Delightful, Light and Healthy

This baby is seriously high in protein, making it a delicious and creamy treat after a run or work-out.

I n g r e d i e n t s:
2 Tbs Chia Seeds
Approximately 250ml Water
1 Egg White
1 tsp Maca (optional)
Sprinkle of Cinnamon (optional)
2 Tbs Plain Greek Yoghurt
Soya Milk/ or milk of your choice

D o:
1) In a cup/ tuple-wear, cover your chia seeds with water for at least 30 minutes to swell and make chia gel. 
2) Whizz together ingredients (including chia gel) and top with

Chia Seeds
Peanut Butter
Cacoa Nibs

2) Enjoy

Nom Nom Nom