As a fashion fanatic and Vogue magazine worshipper, I subscribe to Vogue's daily emails. I read these emails everyday. Each email delivers at least three (usually seven) stories of the latest and greatest happenings in the world of fashion. Click on the story that takes your fancy and it takes you to their website; the story neighbours related stories, an advert for Chloe's new Eau de Parfume and an advert for French Connection 'I Am' campaign. I spend (not wasted) many hours on I usually find my way to the catwalk archives or Livia Firths Eco-fashion Blog posts.
As I click on the latest news story of model Natalia Vodionova's role in the paralympics, I am taken to an unfamiliar page.
It is new! It is modern! It is wonderful! Although the web functions more like an App and its navigation system subverts the norm, I have a feeling this website it going to really pay off! Although I liked's previous layout, it did lack organisation in terms of navigation. This site has been minimised to the max. I think it will take no time to find my way around.
The grey column on the left is how one changes the navigation options on the site. It is similar to the design of the Facebook iphone app when comparing the menu symbol. The first image is the screenshot of the chief navigation and the second is a screenshot if you click on news. This then offers a chronological order to the latest. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezey!
If I click on that again it comes up on the main body of the website. My geeky New Media degree graduate self is asking, 'I wonder what back- end they are using here!' This certainly does not look or feel like a word-press site. I have a feeling some serious investment in time, effort, and money has gone into creating this mothership of websites. So;
Dear Vogue,
Thank you. I approve of the new website.
I look forward to using it daily. Best wishes,